Monday, 13 January 2014

My first Firefox OS App - UPDATE

OK first pass was no go. First the app was reviewed on the first working days which is better than what I've expected.

Second my app didn't pass. And the fault is mine. I'm using jekyll and make to generate the website for the app also the Chrome extension and now the Firefox OS extension. And the reason that the app didn't pass was that I have some external links left from the website version, which in the Firefox OS case open in chrome-less window. The actual reply I got from the review process was very useful and provided some suggestions on how to solve the issues and resubmit the app again.

I'll do the fixes and resubmit again soon, so stay tuned for another update...

1 comment:

  1. Static sites seem to be getting popular but it’s frustrating that almost no tools exist that are compatible with them... The only solution I like using is INK for All:
